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Emancipate Yourself!

The bar for achieving success is so low these days and it has much to do with all the miracle and breakthrough centres around us, spearheaded by religious leaders.

Some of them have succeeded in cashing on the ignorance and gullibility of the people who desperately desire to be better in life.
They get you believing that through divine intervention, you will achieve things you never worked for a day in your life. Something along the lines of ‘unmerited favour’.

So what do you do? You keep praying for God to exalt you above kings and nations, When there is no personal development on your part, no preparation, no access to information to guide you, no training! Your hope is built on those prophetic declarations released by that mummy and daddy in Lord.

“You will rise and shine before men…Amen!!!..Your name will be heard in America, England and beyond…Amen!!!…”
You fall on your knees, stretch your hands and weep. Me o, I know that God is not partial. There are people who have worked hard, prepared themselves and are qualified for some of those things you’ve prayed about. How do you think they’ll be sidelined by God for you who hasn’t done self grooming and equipped yourself? If it was given to you, how would you manage such position and responsibility?

Your business is failing, it must be some spiritual force that is holding your destiny and preventing people from patronising you. The devil is bent on limiting your progress. Instead of doing a re-strategy or attend workshops and trainings on skill acquisition, branding and marketing,
you’re sowing seeds somewhere and waiting for magic to happen.

When someone politely suggests something feasible that could enhance you and your brand, you arrogantly turn it down and say “The God I serve will announce my name in far places” You’re still sitting down on a long thing! *In D’banj voice* If it were that easy, all prayer warriors and servants of the Lord would be snatching big offers from left, right and centre!


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FACE OF THE CAVE FOR THE WEEK (Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence)

No doubt, the most beautiful and unique people in the world can only be found here.
Looking at our male face of the week, you wonder who is the big handsome guy giving us the ‘serious’ look in some of his photos, lol..He is Edwin, the poet. Yep!
Coincidentally, Today is Ed’s birthday! So we’re saying, Hip hip hip..hurray! We love you Edwin and wish for you the happiest of days
and a bright, healthy future. These are the things that we can do for you, as a celebrant and Face of the week.

On the other hand, Anne is naturally so beautiful, soft spoken, smart and her dimples on the cheeks makes that mega watt smile so infectious. Could she be more perfect?

Scroll down to see more of the faces of the cave for the week.

35 years Ago

Name: Iwo Osigoboka Edwin
State: Rivers State
Profession: Civil Engineer
Likes: In his words ‘I like to learn New things, and I like writing.’


Dislikes: LIES
Contact: 08025975160


Marital Status: NOT MARRIED

I’m Sexy and I Know It

Name: Moyosoreoluwa Anne
State: Ondo State
Profession: English and literary studies (Graduate of University of Nigeria Nsukka)
Career: Catering


Likes: Good food and good music
Dislikes: judgmental, two-faced personality, rude, arrogant, boring, inconsiderate, self absorbed people, narrow- mindedness, perverts.
Hobbies: Watching romance, Action/thriller movies, holidays,healthy gossip, good books,visiting exciting places and singing in front of my
mirror when no one is, Surfing the internet

My Hair Is Better Than Yours

Facebook contact: Motilola Moyosoreoluwa Anne

To qualify for the next Face of the cave series
*Have your profile be a clear face shot.
*Give a brief description of yourself and please make sure to include your likes, dislikes and hobbies.
*Submit them to the chatterbox team within four days from now via bbm pin- 2898fd68 or inbox Bismark Ekenedilichukwu Benson on Facebook.

Cheers to the new Face of the cave!

Quote for the day;
“If you’re going through hell, keep going.”
Lesson to learn:
The only way out of a bad situation is to continue in order to get yourself out of it.

Share your thoughts on this week’s faces in the comment box.
We’d also love for you to stay in touch with us! The best way to keep up to date is to subscribe to Bismark’s cave. You can do this by clicking on the ‘follow’ option.

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In Remembrance of The King of Pop Music: by Simon Utsu

I just threw my blackberry phone carelessly towards some furniture but it missed it’s target and fell on the hard floor, screen faced down. Outcome…cracked phone screen! Then I thought to myself, today must be some important anniversary for my dear phone to just kaput without warning…then I remembered that today the 25 day of June
2016 was the 7th death anniversary of my number 1 secular music Idol, the enigmatic legend(or legendary enigma), Michael Jackson.

Whilst he was alive he had no equal in his art. He was greater than nearly all before him and in death, he remains one of the greatest if not the greatest ever secular musician.

Micheal Jackson

Continue to Rest In Peace Mike… the world misses you, we’re still trying to HEAL THE WORLD and make it a better place… we still have lots of SMOOTH CRIMINALs lurking around though and they’ve refused to BEAT IT. The BLACK or WHITE superiority debate is still on. Last week, somewhere in Orlando, there was so much BLOOD ON THE
DANCE FLOOR. Trump is finally a serious Presidential hopeful and he’s coming up against Hilary Clinton in November in what promises to be a political THRILLER. Do I keep talking? You still want me to SAY, SAY, SAY more like you and Sir Paul McCartney once sang? Ok, yesterday
finally ended the ‘GIRL IS MINE’ fight between British people and the EU…the Brits now have their country back. Well the girl in question isn’t BILLIE JEAN, it’s Britain.

On a final note, I think I have to reiterate that your departure from planet earth left so many of us that made up your core fan base SPEECHLESS.

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The Church is You: by Grace Ayabimeh Okpo

Paula White, Joyce Meyer, Juanita Bynum, Kathryn Kulman and so many other female ministers of God that we all follow and listen to their messages and type fat ‘Amens’ to the prayers they post on their social media platforms, do they ‘cover their hair’?
Yet, some overzealous usher will nearly send an ‘uncovered’ head back home on many a Sunday morning!

Unfortunately, Church is not what happens in a building on Sunday morning, in a large or small room with a raised platform in front called the ‘altar’.
A lot of us have been made to believe that the Presence of God is the church auditorium, hence the false piety we put up in the name of ‘coming to His Presence’. Churches would frown at their members wearing certain forms of clothing to Sunday service while these same people still go on to dress like commercial sex workers on ‘normal’ days. This is sadly so because church folk believe that church is a gathering and it must happen in a building supposedly “sanctified” by the pastor for such purpose.

Church is you LOVING GOD
Church is you presenting your body as a LIVING SACRIFICE
Church is you treating that gate man the way you’d love to be treated if the tables turned ( Did I hear you shout ‘It’s not my portion’?)
Church is what happens in that office of yours when you decided to reject that Ghana -must-go, even though nobody saw you.
Church is that CLOSET RELATIONSHIP you have with The Most High.
Church is the way you treat that child that is not yours that you’re pretending not to call your ‘maid’.
Church is the way you treat your staff.
Church is the way you treat your spouse.
Church is the way you relate to and behave towards those who are not as ‘privileged’ as you.
Church is you showing love to that ‘prostitute’ next door without judging her!

Church is You!
So, hey, how’s your Church today?

Grace loves God, She strives to convert life’s little opportunities to be the best that She CAN BE. Even though she doesn’t like animal pets, she seriously admire people who have nerves enough to keep them. She also enjoys learning about cultures, of which there is an abundance in Nigeria

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FACE OF THE CAVE FOR THE WEEK (Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence)

What’s up cave members?
As you know, we actively survey and explore our readers to search for folks who’ve got what it takes to feature in this series. We pick them and get to learn about them and of course, we enjoy caving with them!

This week’s series also features the CUTE faces of two of over 100 members of this cave. (You can join our Facebook page today)
Congrats to Buhari and Miracle for being chosen as our faces of the Week!

Lol..and no I don’t mean President Buhari of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, well, even though this extremely handsome and promising Medical professional has all it takes to occupy the seat in the nearest future. Few things about him that’s worthy of note. He’s calm, calculated and principled. Take it from me!

Miracle on the other hand is flawless. Coincidentally, she’s also a medical professional with a good sense of humour. You can’t help being easily drawn to her jovial nature. We also love how she’s able to combine beautiful wears/ accessories and slay effortless in photographs. I mean this is all we want!

Ok, scroll drown to see more of them.

Name- Buhari Barkindo
State- Adamawa state
School- University of Jos (6th year medicine and surgery)

Likes- Honesty and creativity
Dislikes- people with fake lifestyles, human robots and lack of willpower
Hobbies- reading, watching movies and listening to music

Favourite quote: “every man is responsible for his/her destiny.”
Contact: 08155822026

Name: Miracle Ijeoma Adaeze Boniface
State: Anambra
School/Career: B.Sc Human Anatomy (Nnamdi Azikiwe University)

Likes: Honesty, Humility, Confidence and Self worth.
Dislikes: Dishonesty and Pride
Hobbies: putting a smile on someone’s face/meeting a need, counselling, public speaking, cooking, laughing,singing, shopping, watching and analysing soccer, Surfing the internet, movies, travelling, music, writing, reading, meeting new people, learning new things, I love photography both ways; behind the camera and in front.
Arts generally

Favourite quote: “Everyday is a huge plus.”
Contact: Mimi Ij (Facebook), (Facebook Page), @Mimi_Adaeze (twitter)

To Qualify for the next Face of the Cave series
*Have your profile be a clear face shot.
*Give a brief description of yourself and please make sure to include your likes, dislikes and hobbies.
*Submit them to the chatterbox team within four days from now via bbm pin- 2898fd68 or inbox Bismark Ekenedilichukwu Benson on Facebook.

Cheers to the new Face of the cave!

Quote for the day;
“You are here to enable the divine purpose of the universe to unfold.
That is how important you are”
-Eckhart Tolle

Share your thoughts on this week’s faces in the comment box.
We’d also love for you to stay in touch with us! The best way to keep up to date is to subscribe to Bismark’s cave. You can do this by clicking on the ‘follow’ option.

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Male Virginity and Masculinity: Written by By Anna Fina

In our society, male virginity is seen as something shameful and defective, Probably because the society reads a man’s sexual inexperience as a fundamental failure, so therefore no guy wants to be publicly labelled a “virgin”; they all want to be known gurus in ‘bedmatics’. Funny enough, I asked one of my friends why he couldn’t publicly admit that he is a virgin. His answer was straight forward, “It definitely means I’m not man enough”.

Does being a man really mean how many ladies you have slept with?
We teach our daughters to wait till they get married before opening their legs for any man but do we teach our sons the same?
Men have completely different social expectations and are not held accountable for any sexual mistake. A man can sleep around and get away with it but a lady that behaves the same way is labelled a “slut”. Is virginity only meant for the ladies?

Its funny how the society expects unmarried females to be virgins but thinks its shameful and unmanly for the unmarried men to be the same. Actually, if ladies are supposed to be virgins on their wedding night and it is expected that men should be sex gurus, how then do they gain the sexual experience that the society deems fit if not by having sex with the ladies that are supposed to be virgins?

What am I trying to say? Masculinity has nothing to do with virginity. It is actually nonsensical that the society regard men with great sexual experience as real men. So, if you are a guy and you are still a virgin, there is nothing to be ashamed of. After all, it doesn’t depict who you are.

You don’t have to lose your virginity to prove that you are a real man.

Anna Fina studied Law at the prestigious Ebonyi State University, Abakiliki. She loves to Write.

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FACE OF THE CAVE FOR THE WEEK (Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence)

This week’s Face of the cave, Mofash and Vanessa.

Name- Mofash Gazan
State- Edo
Career- Fashion designer

Likes- I like eating good food most especially pounded yam and ogbono soup. I also like hanging out with pretty ladies.
Dislikes- lies.
Hobbies- singing

Favourite quote- ‘The fear of poverty is the beginning of hard work.’ Contacts-, +2349054886917

Name- Vanessa Amaka
State- Anambra
School- Graduate of IMO state university

Discipline- English and literary studies.
Likes- Meeting people who would impact my life
Dislikes- self-centred people

Hobbies- cooking, washing, reading and listening to music.
Favourite quote- “I’m not responsible to make everybody like me; i’m responsible to be the unique person God created me to be.
Contact- 07063059564

To qualify for the next Face of the cave series
*Have your profile be a clear face shot.
*Give a brief description of yourself and please make sure to include your likes, dislikes and hobbies.
*Submit them to the chatterbox team within four days from now via bbm pin- 2898fd68 or inbox Bismark Ekenedilichukwu Benson on Facebook.

Cheers to the new Face of the cave!

Quote for the day;
“Beauty is power; a smile is its sword.”
-John Ray

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The Nigerian Fake Atheist

I noticed the high percentage of fake atheists on social media and I decided to bring the discussion here. Oh, by the way I call them “fake” because you can easily see through the facade. These ones are not consistent about their beliefs.
Some silly folks do think it’s cool to call themselves atheists because they’ve heard some scientists, Professors, inventors and billionaires say that they’re atheists,

So the average Nigerian Agnostics feels that atheism depicts intelligence. Some call themselves atheists because it gives them the
free will to engage in ‘negative’ lifestyles.

What is up with all these fake atheist?

Personally, I see a real atheist as someone who honestly doesn’t believe in any God and is not bothered by other people’s beliefs.
So when I read several offensive articles by angry-writer fake atheists or ‘Free thinkers’, I’m amused! The way they go about it, I don’t know if their agenda or aim is to ridicule only Christians (their easy targets).
If its not about how they don’t give a damn about ‘sky daddy’ (a term used to describe God), it’s something along the lines of not celebrating Christmas and Easter or some rant about creation. Anything to stir up controversy and get the attention they crave.

Some times I’m like WHAT THE HELL! GET OFF HERE AND TALK TO SOMEONE OFFLINE. Who the hell wants to keep reading your dissertations on how much you despise Christians?
Honestly I do like them but I am TIRED of reading the same dribble over and over, without contributing something NEW to the dialogue.

Its okay not to believe in Jesus Christ, its not by force. Even Jesus Christ won’t come into your life if you don’t welcome him, but Can you Mr/Mrs Nigerian fake atheist please try to spread some positivity,
Yes, you’re not answerable to any god as you claim, who cares? Why keep reminding us and refreshing our memory about your personal choices? You just don’t come on social media to blast any religion
because you are privileged to have access to the internet with a phone. If you won’t celebrate christmas and New year or serve any god/God, it’s nobody’s business but yours. Just don’t directly/indirectly make a mockery out of those who have reverence for their creator. There’s no way on earth you’re an atheist if you get offended by other people’s beliefs because first of all, an atheist doesn’t believe in any god, so he doesn’t care!

In fact, there’s no way you’re a happy person.

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The Words Of A Side Chick: Written by Mfonobong Emerald Michael

Kept Woman
I hear the whispers
I see your sneers
The disdain in your eyes and the contempt your upturned noses fling at me.
“Side chick!” one hisses
“Ashawo”, the other snarls
“Husband-snatching witch”, the whole room choruses in unison.

I also see the fear
Carelessly hidden behind your mocking eyes
And the envy your jeers can’t disguise.
What draws your men to me,
you wonder
Over and over again,
Like pigs to a trough.
What right have I to all that freedom?
Watch it, sister.
Your midnight ponderings
are beginning to take a toll on your edges.

I have to admit, though,
I’m a big fan of the way you get up every day
Subservient stance in place
Picture-perfect smile at the ready
“Because”, you sniff to yourself
“You’re the Mrs after all”.
He comes home to you after all
And The Other Woman is all I’ll ever be.
But, doll, you don’t understand
That’s all I intend to be

You miss the plot
But I forgive your cluelessness
Because I was once YOU
Eager to find the man who would complete me
Eager to be his Mrs
Eager to serve society
But society wasn’t there to return the favour
When he threw me across the room
In a fit of rage
Barely three months after “I do”
Society stayed silent
While I learnt to conceal my black eyes
Endured the countless broken ribs
And pretended the close shave in which I escaped
with a damaged womb never happened.
Until a wine glass
Aimed at me
Went for my little boy instead
Permanently scarring his beautiful face
I’d run out of tears to shed
So I cradled his bloodstained body to mine
Grateful that his vitals were safe
Then I packed my bags

Is that a tear in your eye?
There’s no need for that, dear
You need them more than I do
Because, I made the scumbag pay
His charred remains
Buried under the blackened ruins
Of what was once our home
Can testify to that

Your men come to me
Each hoping to be The One
Who tames the savage
And makes her ‘submit’
What they don’t expect
Is the intoxicating lure of my wildness
Or the unbridled debauched passion
I offer them beneath the sheets.
Sometimes, while in my arms
They ramble and ramble
About you who nags them to tears
And you who’s a limp rag doll in bed
Sometimes I listen
And say the words their ears crave
Then I kiss them all over
And send them home to you

Do you understand now?
I send them home to you.
Do you see now?
That the joke’s on you.
I’m not fit to be a mother, you sneer
In a final attempt to hurt
Your words hit home, I admit
And unexpectedly so.
Maybe you’re right.
Especially since society agrees
But I hope the boy who’s the centre of my world
Someday grows up to understand
Until then
Come at me with your puerile slurs
While I enjoy this freedom
Which eludes even your dreams.

Mfonobong Emerald Michael Studied Linguistics at UNIUYO. She loves penning down her thoughts in form of poetry and narratives. In her free time she enjoys teaching and shopping.

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FACE OF THE CAVE FOR THE WEEK (Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence)

The Faces of the cave are people I know and trust me, they’ve earned this spot on merit.
Sincerely, I have learnt so much from these two BEAUTIFUL people. Halima is simply stunning and smart. Lima radiates love, warmth and positivity and we’re here for this! Of cos, that’s basically the essence of this series.

On the other hand, Mike is the cool, jovial regular guy. A ladies man too.. ladies you’ve been Ok, I have great respect for Mike Ile who is a humanitarian and a philanthropist, and it has become bigger after watching him use social media positively and strategically to become one of social media’s most powerful people. I love when people work hard to achieve their dreams!

Alright people, This is a place where you come and relax and take a breath of fresh air…so let’s meet the faces of the cave officially!

Name: Halima Ali
State: kogi
Location: Abuja

School: Federal poly Idah, kogi state.
Likes: Honesty and Hard work
Dislike: lies

Hobbies: dancing
Favourite Quote: “Don’t walk as if you rule the world. Walk as if you don’t care who rules d world……that’s called attitude. Keep on rocking!”

Contact: 07068544806

Name: Mike Ile
State: Kogi
Career: Recently left Nigeria Customs Service and now a Media Consultant

Likes: Philanthropic people, creating happy moments for the less privileged, humble people.
Dislikes: 1. Arrogant folks. 2. Other arrogant folks

Favourite quote: “I am the punishment of God and if you have not committed a grave sin, God will not send a punishment like me upon you”~Ghanges Khan

Instagram: Mike Ile’s blog

Physically, they are insanely attractive. Come on, who can resist such beautiful eyes, smiles, faces?

Coincidentally they both hail from kogi state. Wow..this means, we’ll be spending a week with two of Kogi state’s finest! At the end of the day, who knows, we may end up speaking ‘Ebira’…lol..

To qualify for the next Face of the cave series
*Have your profile be a clear face shot.
*Give a brief description of yourself and please make sure to include your likes, dislikes and hobbies.
*Submit them to the chatterbox team within four days from now via bbm pin- 2898fd68 or inbox Bismark Ekenedilichukwu Benson on Facebook.

Cheers to the new Face of the cave!

Quote for the day;
“The best part of beauty is that which no picture can express.”
– Francis Bacon

Share your thoughts on this week’s faces in the comment box.
We’d also love for you to stay in touch with us! The best way to keep up to date is to subscribe to Bismark’s cave. You can do this by clicking on the ‘follow’ option.